Your business isn’t a race!

Whether you think slow and steady wins the race, or the early bird catches the worm, you’re missing the point - it wasn’t a race in the first place and there are plenty of worms to go around no matter what time you get up!

It doesn’t matter if you dreamt up a business idea and found yourself overwhelmed with bookings within weeks, or you’re still slowly increasing your client hours over a few years - your business is still a real business. You still have a successful career that has undoubtedly taken a lot of hard work, planning, juggling, a big dose of worry and some amazing celebrations.

It has taken me six years to get to the point I am at now and I hope I will still be growing in six more. There are so many people out there that would consider my business journey very slow progress, but it has suited me and the time I had available to offer over the years. In the past I have found myself all too easily sucked into the hustle hype, 5am club advice and the ‘do this to make £x a week’ promises. All of those strategies left me feeling overwhelmed, under qualified and questioning whether I was even cut out to be a business owner. They simply didn’t fit into my lifestyle, the balance I wanted to achieve or the pace I felt comfortable with. I suspect so many of you have felt the same, and it doesn’t mean you don’t work hard or have no drive. All it means is that you are better suited to a slow and steady pace of growth that gives you time to plan, prepare and reflect on your decisions.

We all know how hard it is not to compare what you’re doing to others but everyone’s circumstances are different and the stories of overnight successes and 6 figure incomes aren’t for everyone, and sometimes aren’t all they cracked up to be. I slowly started to fill my feed with other likeminded business owners and consumed content that reaffirmed my thoughts that steady progress is just as good. Once I did that I found that my belief in myself grew and I became happy with the speed at which I was growing. I understood that I was no less of a success because it had taken me longer to build up. In many respects that time has given me experience and the opportunity to really get to know my clients. I have had time to learn what aspects of my work give me joy and the kind of environment that brings out my best.

I am still enthusiastic and passionate about what I am working on. I still have a determination to succeed and will continue to work hard to offer excellent support to my clients, but I will do it with boundaries. It’s definitely not easy but I am learning (and trying to remember) that I don’t have to accept that last minute work request with a deadline of yesterday! For the first time in 6 years, this year I gave myself an annual leave allowance and that feels like a massive win in terms of looking after myself and making sure that I can keep working consistently for my clients the rest of the time.

If you’re feeling the pressure to hustle harder try these:

💛 Change the messages you are receiving - discover some incredible accounts on social media who promote a slower, more joyful or playful approach to running a business. Read articles about the benefits of running a slow business. Join a community of likeminded business owners.

💛 Think about how you want your business to fit into your life and then set some boundaries to make it happen. If you find this difficult, start small. If you know you want your evenings to be a time for rest or fun, start by deciding on one or two that are work free zones.

💛 When setting your goals for the month or year make sure that they are achievable whilst still working within the boundaries you have decided on (and make sure they are your goals not what someone else is trying to achieve).

💛 Take a minute to remember all the benefits that can come from working at a slower pace - better client relationships, more enjoyable working time, feeling more rested and less overwhelmed.

It goes without saying that if you genuinely enjoy working at a faster, more high pressured pace then crack on, do what suits you best! Personally I have learnt that I am much happier having some time to stop and smell the roses, appreciate the hard work that has already gone into my business and rest up for what’s still to come.

Jodie x


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