How to Outsource
When do you need to outsource?
So, you’ve started your business, built it up from the ground with your own two hands and quite rightly feel like it’s your baby. After putting in a lot of hard work and probably tears you’re starting to see the effects, getting higher engagement from your customers and most importantly more orders and bookings. This is such an exciting stage for a new business; it’s such a rush when you start to get interest from people who aren’t your family and friends. A brand new customer or client who has spotted your product or service and thought “I LOVE IT” is the cherry on top. You can start to see that your idea could be a success!
This is also the stage when the balance gets a little harder to manage, the scales seem to wildly tip in one direction or another. One day you’re doing enough for your business, checking all the things off, engaging with your customers but also feeling like you’re missing out at home. The next day you’ve spent time playing in the garden, sorted the car insurance and made the packed lunches but spent the whole time worrying about your inbox. This is the time in your businesses life when your customer base is getting bigger (yay!) but the lists are getting longer and your free time is getting shorter.
You need help. You need to recognise that you are running a real business and you can’t be the head of all the departments. You need to look after yourself and allow time to focus on the reason you started in the first place. Your passion, your talent, the part of the business that only you can do.
How to decide what to outsource?
This brings me on to working out what on earth you are going to be able to get help with. I get it. You feel like it would take too much time to pass any of it over to someone else. You feel like it’s all your responsibility and you want it done in a certain way. I find that these steps really help to make that decision:
First, make a list of all the jobs and responsibilities needed to run your business (phew!),
Cross out all the things ONLY you can do - be ruthless here, I’m talking about actually making that signature mug, designing your jumper range or offering face to face sessions to your clients,
Now cross out all the things you LOVE to do - maybe you like responding to your customer queries to stay in touch even though there’s loads of them, or maybe you find packing your products relaxing. If you love it, keep it.
What you will have left is a list of things that could be outsourced to someone with more specialist knowledge of that task, more time, or who actually enjoys it!
This activity can also be applied to your personal life and you might find there are a few things there that can be passed on, allowing you a bit more space to do what you love. I’m thinking gardeners, cleaners, childcare etc; even your children if they’re old enough to work the washing machine!
Who to outsource to?
Ok, so you’ve worked out what you want to pass on. Now how to find the right person and actually hand the dreaded task over as quickly as possible! First of all, decide who you need to find. Do you need a Social Media Manager, a Virtual Assistant, a Graphic Designer, a Packing Assistant, an Accountant? Find out what they do and pick the one that is the best fit for the task you have in mind.
Once you know what you need, look through your connections on social media and ask fellow business owners for recommendations. Engage with the people you find, take a look through their websites or social media accounts and get a feel for the kind of work they do and whether they will be a good fit for you and your business. I would suggest arranging some no-obligation chats with the people you think are the best fit and talk to them. If you are going to be working together you need to get along, share similar values and most of all trust them to do a good job.
By the time you have chatted to your new business bestie, heard all the great ways they can help you, and agreed to the terms of your relationship, actually handing over the task won’t seem hard at all. Take it step by step and make sure you are clear at all times about what you are expecting – communication is KEY and you will both benefit from it.
Now you are free to go and enjoy your new found time and focus on what you do best!
Jodie x